Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A Stride for Change By Carla Bernon  

The Philippines has extensive deposits of minerals and the waters here are abundant of many varieties of fish and other marine form of lives. Its location gives the country a moderate tropical climate suited for the cultivation of export crops. Truly, this 7100 island-composed country is undeniably rich when it comes to natural resources.  In fact, several other countries want to have those assets, and we are lucky since we those. But why so is Philippines one of the poorest states in the world?

It is evident that our country’s facing poverty these days. As you can see, there are a lot of people who already made the streets as their partner in life. They found home along sidewalks, their food inside the trash bins, and established jobs by begging. These have always been the worst scenario among folks who are not blessed enough to have what others enjoy. They are those who lack the opportunity for a better living.

The reasons for poverty are not clear. Some people believe that poverty results from lack of adequate resources for basic necessities and well-being. It is a fact that there are people who have much more than they need to live in comfort, while many others do not have enough resources to live. There are even those who indeed worked hard but at the end of the day, they still haven’t had enough to place inside their aching stomachs. This has really been a frequent case nowadays. Many know the issue; only few care.

I am one of the many who always hear issues about poverty but just stayed still in the corner. All my life I were contented with what I am and what I have, and never asked for anything more. But when I joined the Young Minds Academy, a program of diverse youth unified in one goal, it taught me how to take the matter more seriously as I can and be one of the few who cares about it, for just a quarter of the program. With its central theme, Poverty which is the fifth Millennium Development Goal, I perceived a broader mindset about it and urged to take steps for amendments. 

I must say that the activities I already have encountered during the first quarter of YMA are not less to open my eyes and see what the community needs now. I have realized that there is a call everyone is entrusted for – to help one another, especially the needy. Alleviating poverty should be one of our priorities as concerned youth to pursue the mantra we always hear from everyone, “Ang kabataan ay pag-asa ng bayan.”

My rightful journey has just begun. 

photo courtesy of

Blogger jojo said...
"In fact, several other countries want to have those assets, and we are lucky since we those. But why so is Philippines one of the poorest states in the world?"
--this is really true. with all the resources we have, it's really a problem why most of us Filipinos still live in poverty..>.<

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