Monday, August 9, 2010
By: Christine Teopiz (YMA 4 – Generation 3)

           Leadership is a foresight that transcends visionary ideas. A leader must have the courage and aggressiveness. Perseverance and passion is what he should have. He has stability and benevolence of a heart that cares.

            A perfect example of leadership is playing basketball. A friend once told me that basketball is every man's passion. As I was watching my friends play basketball one afternoon, I noticed something of great value. There is more than just playing basketball.
  1. The action of one player affects the whole team.
In basketball, everyone is the leader. Each team must learn to cooperate with one another to produce good result. In our life, we should understand that we can't stand alone. We need the help of others to survive. We rely on them to gain comfort. Mostly, we need the help of God as the center of our lives.

  1. How do you handle a ball properly?
According to NBA-All Star Grant Hill, handling a ball is just like doing our schoolwork, you simply have to spend time with it. He actually grew up bouncing a ball throughout the house. He'd dribble on the way to the store and practiced working on both hands. Basketball is truly amazing. You can see in it the meaning of leadership. In our life, handling ball is just the same as handling our obligations and responsibilities. We fail to do our responsibilities because we think we lack the resources like time. But what we lack is not time because time is given free and unlimited. It simply is just time management. It is a matter of using it appropriately.

  1. What's a good pass?
As Grant Hill said, “Know what types of passes your teammates can handle and deliver the ball to them where they can handle it. This is the easiest way to practice on game situations”. For instance, we have to understand that we can't do anything with just ourselves to rely on. We have to delegate responsibilities. Sometimes, we have to learn to trust somebody and let them lead the way.

  1. How do you manage to concentrate on shooting and free throws with all the noise and pressure?
Enjoy making good pass as much as making good shots. Kevin Johnson often says, “You have to keep your composure and block out everything else from your mind except the basket in front of you”. In daily life situations, we encounter different distractions. But we have to focus only on one goal. Put all unnecessary things as the background of your focus.

  1. Practice makes better.
I learned that just like playing basketball, practice is the place where you develop a proper attitude and work habits you will take into games. Sometimes, we ignore those people who are behind our backs. People who are willing to catch us when we fall, our parents. They are the ones who keep us strong amidst perplexities. If we practice hard, we might not be the best. But rest assured that we have done better.
  1. Sportsmanship.
Winning is definitely not everything. One thing I've learned from the Young Minds Academy is playing to win. It doesn't matter who is the winner. What is important is that you enjoy. You did your best, and it's more than enough. It's something worth fighting for.
I see a lot of similarities in basketball and the game of life. Life is too short, so we have to live life to the fullest.


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