Sunday, August 1, 2010
By: Lynette Anne G. Ambo ( YMA 4 – Generation 3)

photo courtesy of
          For three days we had our most awaited immersion. Everyone was so excited to go to their assigned places. My group, together with Ate Xenia’s team, were assigned in Moalboal with Sir Alfred as our adult leader. We took a three-hour bus ride from Cebu City to the Municipality of Moalboal. Upon arriving, we went directly to the municipal hall to talk to the mayor. We were welcomed by someone, but unfortunately, she said that the mayor was not around. Disappointed, we went instead to our host family and we are paired with the other team. I was paired with Ate Jesleigh. When we talked with our host families, we were surprised because instead of living with the host family, they offered us a separate house. We tried to convince them to let us live with them but they said that it is ok. We had no choice but to accept it.

          In the afternoon, we went to the barangay hall to meet the barangay captain but he wasn’t around. Instead, we had a talk with the barangay secretary. We interviewed the him about his views of the barangay and barangay officials. Afterwards we divided ourselves into two groups to conduct our transect walk. My groupmates were Fran-Fran, Paul, Ate Malou, and Kuya Cres. Along the walk, we were fascinated by the rest houses owned by foreigners as well as a pond. We had fun going back to the barangay hall because Kuya Cres was so funny. After meeting again as a group, we went home to our host families.

          The next day, we conducted our survey, each pair interviewing the local residents of the place. My partner and I headed to an area near the beach. It was so hot, walking under the sun. We interviewed the municipal secretary and he was so approachable. After a couple of hours, we headed back home to have our lunch.

          In the afternoon activity, we had our Focused Group Discussion (FGD). Many participants attended and joined. The local residents told us so many things about the barangay. We heard their concerns, needs, and problems. Afterwards, we said our thanks to the participants for sharing to us their opinions and views. We went home directly after gathering our data.

          As the next day was our last day, we stayed in our host house to verify our data. After we finished, some of my groupmates went to their host families to have their lunch and bade their farewells and thanks to their host families. After which went off to ride a bus going back to Cebu City, arriving at EADSC later on.

           It was an oh-so-terrific and extremely fun adventure being there, having my immersion in Moalboal. What I’ve learned most was being with people and staying with them even though we’ve only known them for a short span of time. I also realized that it’s not hard to deal with people as long as you know how to interact with them.

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