Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Memoirs of my PideX experience

Christine Teopiz (YMA 4 – Generation III)

     I had the most exciting and educational experience. I felt very lucky to participate in the 5th year of the Pinoy- Dutch eXplore program. This is a program wherein Dutch youth delegates interact with Filipino youth volunteers. The purpose of the activity is to integrate the youth despite cultural differences. 

     We were told by our adviser to be at EADSC on the dot by 6:00 am because the bus will leave at exactly 6:30 in the morning. Because of my excitement, I woke up early in the morning and arrive at EADSC at 5:30am instead. I waited for a long time until the bus left for Moalboal at 8;30 am. Even if I waited for a long time, the waiting was worth it. When we arrived in Moalboal, we were introduced to the Dutch youth delegates. 

      Afterwards, we played the game “bahay, bata, bagyo, baha.” It was an easy game. First, we had to form groups having three members in each group. The two members had to act as the 'bahay' and the third one would act as the 'bata'. When the tagged person says 'bahay', the bahay will move from one place to another to find another 'bata'. On the other hand, when the tagged person says 'bata', then it will be the bata who will move to another 'bahay'. However, when the tagged person says 'bagyo' , both the bahay and the bata will move from one place to another. If the word ‘baha’ is mentioned, then the participants will act as what is done during bagyo, only that the movements are in slow motion. The Dutch youth delegates tried their best and made efforts to speak our local dialect and interact with us. The game wasn't all about fun though, it was also about acquaintance. In the middle of the game, we knew more about each other. I've spoken to one Dutch youth named Thygme and learned a lot of differences between the Dutch and Filipino race.

        We also did the ‘Rope of Fire’ activity wherein we have to pass the rope without touching it. It was a lot of fun. I saw in the activity the teamwork and cooperation executed by every delegate. Since I was the lightest among the delegates, they only had to carry me to pass the rope. However, I failed a hundred times so we did other option we could possibly think of. It was Chiel who carried me in order to pass the rope. But because I became conscious, I lost my balance because I felt that I was too heavy to be carried. I fell and injured my finger. It was a lesson for me. I recalled the time in our Kool Adventure Camp in the YMA wherein we had our ‘Trust and Fall’ activity. You had to put your trust on the one carrying you in order not to fall. 

       I've made new friends and know a lot of people. From then on, I and Chiel became friends. He was very kind and generous. After doing that activity, we went to the beach to observe the corals and identify if the corals we saw were either soft, hard or dead. Doing the walk along the beach wasn't easy because we saw a lot of sea urchins along the way so we had to be careful. I've never seen such beautiful creations. Before, I only have seen such creatures on underwater expeditions of marine biologists. We were also instructed to do a transect walk along the beach wherein we had to identify the garbage that were strewn along the beach. Aside from that, we picked up the trashes and placed them in proper garbage disposals.
        I also gained insight doing the “Web of Life” activity. I learned that every action of man affects even marine life. Our deadly acts such as dynamite fishing can cause damage to the corals, the home of fishes. 

         While we were watching corals, the weather became bad. It rained and everybody was freezing cold. But still it was refreshing since we ate puto and drank hot chocolate. Afterwards, we went to a resthouse and had our dinner. While we waited for the food, I watched the Dutch delegates play billiards. Chiel saw me in the corner and asked me to join them. I refused and told them I didn’t know how to play. Instead of giving up, Ate Mayan taught me how to play instead. They believed that I could do it. Because of their encouragements, I did my best to push the ball into the pocket. Thereafter, when we were having our supper, I was disappointed at the meal because only a little rice was served with the dish. I simply cannot live without rice! I observed that the Dutch ate only a little rice but lots of vegetables. 

           We were told that we have to wake up early because we had to plant mangrove propagates. Since we were tired the day before, we left the place at 8:30am instead. Even during the early morning, it was already high tide. But despite the occasion, we still planted the mangrove propagates.

           After the planting session, we had our breakfast which consisted only of sandwich bread. We then went to the famous Kawasan Falls in Badian. I really enjoyed swimming in the area as it was my first time to visit the placed. I also had a lot of fun riding the bamboo raft and allowing the water from the falls to massage my back.
          When the day was about to end, we said our goodbyes with a short farewell. Farewell may seem forever but the memories that the occasion planted in us will never vanish as we will cherish it until the end of time. 


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