Thursday, August 5, 2010
Distorted Views

     I was browsing through my old blog articles in my Friendster account and happen to encounter this one, written on 7th of April 2007.  Let me share to you what this article says:

Distorted Views
            Before I’d write something, let me share this story I read from Paulo Coelho’s book "Like the Flowing River" entitled ‘These are my friends’. Here goes…
            “The reason the king is so powerful is because he’s made a pact with the Devil,” a very devout woman in the street told the boy, and he was intrigued.
            Some time later, when he was travelling to another town, the boy heard a man beside him remark: ‘All this land belongs to the same man. I’d say the Devil had a hand in that.’
            Late one summer afternoon, a beautiful woman walked past the boy. ‘That woman is in the service of Satan!’ cried a preacher angrily.
            From then on, the boy decided to seek the Devil out and when he found him, he said: ‘They say you can make people powerful, rich and beautiful.’
            ‘Not really,’ replied the Devil. ‘You’ve just been listening to the views of those who are trying to promote me.’
            Well, come to think of it, God and only God has the power to make things all beautiful, to make our lives better and in turn have the power to affect other things.  It’s just that people have been harboring these distorted views (misconceptions) on beauty, power and wealth. Come on people, who doesn’t want to be more beautiful or handsome or more powerful or richer??? (I do too!) But it’s in the way of how people think about these things. Everything boils down into balance and our contentment.
            I mean, have you ever noticed someone (even actors) keep on having facials, using different expensive skin products to the point of overdoing it? They are not contented with what they have or have achieved. There are also doctors’ advice of once-a-month (or twice) on facials or other physical enhancements. And plastic surgeries? If your only problem was your nose and you have it fixed, then why undergo another plastic surgery? Be contented with what you have. If your problem areas are fixed…then please STOP and don’t make yourself look like a carbon copy of somebody else’s body parts.
            Money is the root of all evil. I know I’ve heard that phrase a thousand times before and that is what’s keeping some people from being debt-free because they have this notion that if they have more money they would turn into a selfish materialistic monster! Duh!!! It’s the individual who chose to go that path, not money itself. Think of contentment and balance. If you have the money…congratulations! And be contented with what you have. Stick to your needs and NOT your desires. If you want something…weigh the options. You know you could do a lot of things with having money, not just for you or your family but for other people as well.  Have you ever noticed why millionaires and billionaires share their blessings…put up foundations and etc…? They are using money to help other people because they have enough for themselves. You see, they could do more because they don’t have to worry about providing for their own families and so they have the extra money to help out other.. Now, isn’t being loaded a good thing?
            With great power comes great responsibility. True. And believe it or not, we always have the power. We are just too damn scared to use it, or be burdened with the responsibility that comes with it, or just too ignorant to use it. How many of us have been dreaming about being somebody powerful to do this and that or be in politics or be like a king and rule? (I know I have) And what about those people in power? How did they get into such positions? Hhmm…They knew how to use their power. From the moment they realized they have power, they used it to its full potential but sadly, some used it to manipulate others (bad but let’s stick to the good side of things). We always have the power to think, to communicate with others, to choose, to vote someone who will  represent us, to say ‘No’, and so much more. Let us not be afraid to use what we have.
            Lastly, how I wish to be more beautiful to advertise positive ideas, have more money to publish works or make movies to communicate peace and be more powerful to influence more people to do the right and just thing. As of now, I could use my youth and energy to advertise positive ideas to my students, my savings to buy books, watch a movie (which is not pirated) that communicates peace and all the other good ideals and the power of the internet/technology to spread the ideals and positive views. Somehow, the possibilities are endless.

                                                                    Sheila Milan
                                                                    YMA 4 – Generation I


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