Saturday, July 3, 2010
"I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow. A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. Still You hear me when I'm calling. Lord You catch me when I'm falling. And You told me who I am... I am Yours."

     These lines from a Christian song never fails to stir my heartstrings. It pulls within me like a wound never fully healed and torn again. It's a deep void inside me which leads me to question my being. Who am I? I am a traveler, I've journeyed a lot of timelines and places. Roads are never-ending and stretched before me like million of doors waiting to be opened.

     And yet I don't know where to begin. Where am I? I've lost myself countless times in this earth. I am in a road with no direction and now I want to go back home. I am in a chaos and imbalanced. Trudging along the lonely road ahead, I stumbled upon an open door that gave me an opportunity to be part of a team. They have given me a new start to rediscover myself, a chance to understand, a chance to heal, a chance to answer and a chance to prove my being. I call this team my family, my classmates are my brothers and sisters and my mentors are what I consider my parents. I felt somehow that I belonged and that I wanted to stay. We all live here by the same creed: Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring Leadership, God-centeredness, Trustworthiness, Humility, Fairness and Integrity. In this place, we all look out for each other. Days unfold and one by one I've learned to understand these things which were so vague to me before. I know now the purpose of my personal journey and where I should begin. Challenges are always around but why fight it? Accept it. For my family are just behind my back no matter what. The greatest lesson I've discovered while travelling is that I was never alone. God was with me all throughout. And in this lifetime, He is my forever coach. 

     A new road led me to the house of our Lord, I went down on my knees and prayed; for my family all around and those people I have met along the way. I asked forgiveness for my shortcomings and lastly I smiled upon a startling revelation that crossed my mind. I now know who am I. Yes Lord, I am Yours.

Erica Tabaque (YMA 4 – Generation I)

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