Saturday, July 3, 2010
Time is in my Hands

By: Jedaia Rose Doñoz (YMA 4 – Generation III)

Before, time was a thing that I’m both worried of and careless with. There were just days when I find myself void of matters to attend to and sometimes I am fine with it. Sometimes I was not. A relief spreads when, after hellish days at school, I’ll finally get the chance to lay on my back, stare at the stars and wonder, ‘Where did my ceiling go?’

Then, as if the free time didn’t happen at all, I’m back to the hectic world with thoughts filled of the projects that needed attention and those times were definitely the most dangerous time for me—I kept tripping and stumbling down even without a rock because I’m so engrossed with my thoughts.

Time management and weighing down of priorities—those were concepts that I was aware of but smirk at. I never really realized its vitality, not until things came pressing and crashing down on me.

It wasn’t until YMA that I have come to fully realize how much of a disorganized mess I am. No schedule. No plans. Truth be told, I think a lot, think too much that I’m surprised that I never give much contemplation whenever I act or attempt to.

The whole YMA experience taught me to handle things rationally and to manage my time and after that, they really, really tested us if we learned something. Really, really, tested us. But YMA teachings and guidance wasn’t all about lectures. Some things were left for us to experience on our own. Well, a lot of things, actually.

Along with the other endeavors in my life, YMA led me to ponder about the complexity which is time. Currently, I can’t say that I’m a paragon when it comes to allocating the energy and time that I have but somehow, I know that I’ve gotten better in controlling over the things swirling around me.


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