Monday, July 5, 2010
The social sciences have contributed a variety of procedures to assist managers and leaders . However, rarely have we pulled our weight and gone extra miles to assist in achieving a healthy, decent life for everyone.

The author has realized enormous amounts of experiences and lessons as a scholar of the Young Minds Academy of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.

Part of the whole training or ‘self- transformation’ program, as the author likes to call it, is the exposure to the plight of the poorest of the poor in the country, and a view of innocent children living in a place of biohazards whose colors blend with the garbage and the breath of gaseous and dusty winds of a place we call as the dumpsite.

Normally, one who sees such unimaginable existence is filled with regret and easily points a finger to the government.

But instead of feeling the usual, a realization sank in. Stepping up.

Yes, indeed. With a succession of highly dramatic articles, rhetoric, and big discussions on good governance, people constantly talk about doing things and changing things, but nothing really happens. No one wants to objectively measure and evaluate the true impact of all interventions, social, and political change. Thus, it is not a surprise to sense a cynical world.

Considering each individual’s desire for a healthier and decent life, a great demand for ‘change’ exists and better if it stems from each and every citizen.

Conversely, most people, if not all, have enjoyed all that nature has bestowed upon us freely. However, when something fails, like the government, a never-ending whining surfaces.

Fortunately, the author has made some sense out of the experiences and trainings of transformation as a scholar of the Young Minds Academy.

It is stepping up and rolling our sleeves and design the ‘change’ we need.

And no one else can do it but ourselves.

Analyn Villa (YMA 4 – Generation I)

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