Sunday, July 4, 2010
My Cheese!
                                     Glenna Lyrad Quilat (YMA 4 – Generation III)

Having cheese makes you happy. The more important your cheese is to you, the more you want to hold on to it. But since this cheese is perishable, the journey in finding new cheese begins! “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson features four characters: Sniff and Scurry, who are mice, and Hem and Haw, little people the size of a mouse. They live in a maze, a representation of one's environment, and look for cheese, a symbolism for happiness and success. They then face an unexpected change when they discover their cheese has disappeared. Each adapt to change its maze differently. In fact, one doesn’t adapt at all. This timeless allegory reveals profound truths to individuals and organizations dealing with change.

Metaphorically speaking, change happens because they keep moving the cheese that is why you need to anticipate change to get ready for the cheese to move. Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old to monitor the change. Adapt to change quickly because the quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy your new cheese. And basically, the book is about change, to move along with the cheese. Enjoy the change as you experience it, savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese! But the cheese is always on the move so be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again.

The only thing in life you can be sure of is change and sometimes it will be radical, not incremental. If you do not change, you can become extinct. What would you do if you weren’t afraid of change? When you move beyond your fear, you feel free. Moving in a new direction helps you find new cheese. It is better to search in the maze than remain in a cheeseless situation, the worst case scenario.

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