Sunday, July 4, 2010
Just A Shoe To Solve A Crisis?

            I once thought that life is a cycle. That everything you had today will certainly be gone tomorrow. Everyday is another day to take lead in our life. But, we can maintain this cycle. To cope up with the changes, balance is needed.

            The catastrophe that can befall to man is ignorance. Oftentimes, not knowing the problem is the hardest puzzle. And even though we know the problem, we tend to escape from our responsibilities. We blame others for our misfortunes. We're handling our responsibilities to others' shoulders. The truth is that we are the masters of our lives. We make our decisions so we should be responsible for its consequences. Our misfortunes and problems are just the result of our unbalanced life. This is the biggest crisis we are facing. We lack the sense of responsibility. We keep on blaming the government about the status of our economy. We have become dependent.

            For instance, the Philippines is now suffering. Many people are unemployed while some are terminated from work. Our very own overseas workers are treated unkindly abroad. We have laws that enable Filipinos to work abroad but few laws protecting our ‘kababayans.’ Poverty is seen everywhere and it has become part of our lives. But what can we do?

            On the other hand, inconsiderable and corrupt individuals break our hope to succeed. Instead of preserving the cycle, they have destroyed it. So, are we just going to sit in a corner quietly? It's time for a real change. It's time to stand up and think out of the box. It's our moment to leave behind our deadly habit. We have worn different shoes but it's our chance to put on the shoes of responsibility, the shoes of good citizenship.

            People cannot gain something without losing something. If we want development, we must throw our old shoes and replace it with new ones.

            Changing our lifestyle is hard especially if it had been a part of our lives. To change this country, we must start changing ourselves. To promote balance is to be aware. Be aware of our responsibilities and take proper actions. If we do this, then it is certain that in no time we can achieve what we desired for and the progress will be in our hands.

Christine Teopiz (YMA 4 – Generation III)

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