Thursday, June 3, 2010
A YMA Scholar’s Life

A scholar’s life starts with tests
To find people who in their fields are best
A day of questions with no rest
Some people grumble with detest.

Here we endlessly fight and strive
To keep our minds sane and survive
The learning sessions RAFI has derived
Until graduation day arrives.

With no weekends of fun to spare
People thinking it isn’t fair
With others they endlessly compare
But we scholars have the strength to dare.

We undergo a lot of trials that pass by
Being a YMA scholar we can’t deny
How hard we work and try
To be able to soar high and fly.

Personality developed and learning shared
No other programs could have compared
Growth of people with great potential
Making their existence society’s essential.

A scholar’s life are filled with tests
To make people in their fields do best
To be on the road of becoming great
That is a YMA scholar’s fate.

Warren Clyde Valeree A. Tompong

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