Saturday, June 5, 2010
Stirrings of Faith

Christine Teopiz ( YMA 4 - Generation 3 )

How did the lost sheep found his way back into the shepherd?

It has always been traditional to cling to our parent's God and never depart. Others live through a gut-wrenching cycle of doubt and belief until the latter triumphs. Still others arrive at faith through a process of years -layer upon layer, as though a temple of heart is being readied for a destined moment. This is how faith comes to a girl.

The girl was named “Christine” having its meaning “the little follower of Christ.”She was born to religious parents so she was obliged to be faithful. Ever since, she has always believed in God and looked up to God to repent her sins. Although she was well-educated especially in science, her faith was stronger. Science' principle “to see is to believe” has nothing to do with the Church's principle “ believe and you will see.” All she ever did was in accordance not only with the laws of the land but also the most sacred laws of God. However at some point, when one acquires the gift of faith, trials come to test if we really treasure and keep the gift.

It began when her uncle was dying in front of her very own eyes. Never wanting anything to happen to her, she prayed fervently. But did He answer? He didn't. From that day on, she lost her faith in Him. She blamed and asked God for the mishaps in her life. She relied on herself and depended on her strength, eventually disregarding her parents and breaking the laws of God. Since then, she became hot-tempered and ill-mannered. But if there's a will, there's always a way, and the will of the Father is stronger than the hatred of a lost child. He pulled her out of her misery. In later years, she was chosen to be a scholar of the Young Minds Academy. But still she remained cold and dubious to everyone. As usual, she was skeptic and relied on science. She would not believe it until she saw it. But that was until the S-Leadership Program came. She was able to gain spiritual awakening and the renewal of her faith. It is as the Bible said: the shepherd would leave a flock of sheep just to find the missing one That we are created to serve and honor God is a lesson that slapped her in the face. She became ashamed of herself. She never perceived that the things she did recently could displease God. Before, she obeyed God just out of compliance and she never felt fulfilled about it. But now, everything that is worth doing is worth doing well. It gave her a sense of direction and purpose. A purpose to live life to the fullest and to serve God with all heart and soul. Shortly after the program, she was no ordinary churchgoer. She now sings for the Church and never again did she felt ashamed of singing for everything she does is what her heart tells her to do for the glory of God.

Of someone should ask me how the Young Minds Academy S-Leadership changed the girl's life I would put it this way: it brought back the faith that her mother planted in her heart, the faith she once had, was lost, and now regained.

No father would want anything bad to happen to his child, for all fathers care
for their children.

Does God answer all our prayers? Yes and No. Yes, he answers our prayers but it depends on what we ask Him to do for us.

Oftentimes, trials and perplexities that we face each day bring inconvenience to us. It affects the physical and mental aspects of our lives. But does it not make life more challenging? Without failure and defeat, we wouldn't be able to know our mistakes so we could straighten our crooked ways.

They may take away from us our parents, friends and belongings but they won't be able to take one thing away from us: our faith.

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