Sunday, June 20, 2010
Brain WORKS!
Non-dominant hand anyone? Unusual to use, isn’t it? Do you know that by using your non-dominant hand, you are improving and exercising your brain? A very bizarre but helpful learning I gained in the first session of YMA. We were taught to also use our non-dominant hand in doing the basic works we have to do every day such as brushing our teeth, combing our hair, sweeping the floor, texting, receiving calls, eating ice cream and many more to get used to it. 

In one activity, we used our non-dominant hand in drawing a man known as a universal genius, Leonard da Vinci. Surprised with the results of my artwork knowing that I’m not that good in drawings, I was encouraged to do better with my dominant hand and practice with the opposite to achieve equilibrium. There are really no impossible things in this world. “Remind yourself that you are an artist, make drawings regularly.” 

Our brain does a phenomenal job of keeping the world understandable and keeping our bodies and behaviors in harmony with that world. Using our non-dominant hand may have an interesting effect in our brain since it is confusing it. Our non-dominant hand is linked to the non-dominant hemisphere of our brain. Some studies indicate that one hemisphere is active when using the dominant hand but both hemispheres are activated when the non-dominant hand is used. Either way, many people find that they ‘think differently’ or that surprising things get written down when using the non-dominant hand.

After this session, I used and exercised using my left hand. From this single learning, it really challenged me to do differently for the better. Gently and politely, even if it be bad handwriting, I am now slowly exploring my creativity and new ways of thinking.

Ana Marie Mamba ( YMA 4 - Generation 3 )

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