Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The sun sets and the sun rises, a new day has begun. This day will bring in new ideas, new knowledge and new obstacles. And everyday, there is also something new opening in each and everyone of us: our mind. It is a powerful tool built-in inside of us, a mind which is responsible for all our actions and movements. Every individual has a powerful mind but have you heard of creative thinking? Well, think again.

As a member of the Young Minds Academy, I have been blessed to be exposed and opened up to new skills and talents. This has geared up my life towards positive thinking. For starters, I can’t say that I am perfect, I do commit mistakes and have made a fool out of myself a few times. Joining the YMA is like a big leap for me, in my being, in my consciousness and in shifting both my thinking and perspective. It has taught me the art of seeing new colors in my mind, and the power of making all things possible by just being creative.

Did such skills changed me? You bet it did. It has now opened my eyes to new opportunities and new insights. Problems and trials are still there surrounding me when I am at my weakest but I do welcome them now with a new sense of knowledge and a creative mind which I can use to conquer them all. I see today as full of challenges and concerns. And here I am now, fighting them off and proud of myself for what I have achieved. Creative thinking has helped me through a lot of times, in YMA, in my family, in my personal life and in my community. We only have to imagine, to run our minds free and dream up of something for us to reach our goals and answers. Nothing beats a sharper mind than a sharper sword.

I know I can make a difference. Today’s the youth can make a difference. Everyone can make an impact. Let us be one in solving what our country is facing right now. We can do it, yes we can. The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. And this is just the beginning of a new day.

Erica Tabaque (YMA 4 - Generation I)


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